Magnetism- Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. Determine the average emf induced in a coil of 200 turns wound on a magnetic circuit having reluctance 2000AT/Wb, If a current of 1 Ampere flowing in the coil is reversed in 10ms.

2. According to which law, The direction of induced emf in the choke of tubelight will be such that it will try to oppose the fall of the current in the circuit .

3.How much energy stored in the magnetic field of coil which has self inductance of 15mH and current of 40A?.

4. If a conductor made into a loop and current is passed through it, then the magnetic flux lines are in

5. In a magnetic circuit, Mmf is analogous to

6.The typical value for leakage factor are approximatelyfrom

7. The force experienced by a cuurent carrying conductor lying parallel to a magnetic field is .

8. The maximum possible mutual inductance of two inductively coupled coils with self inductances L1=36mH and L2= 100mH is given by

9. Static electromagnetic induction is used in .

10. which of the following is not true for permeance?

11. The rate of change of current in a 4H inductor is 2A/s. Find the voltage across the inductor.

12. Which of the following is paramagnetic material.

13.Which of the following materials have higher retentivity of magnetism.

14. If L1 and L2 are the self inductance of two coils, and have the same value of 0.04H and the mutual inductance is 0.03H, then the coefficient of coupling between the coils is given by

15. When two coupled coils of equal self inductance are connected series in one way, the net inductace is 12mH and when they are connected in the other way, the net inductance is 4mH. the maximum value of inductance when they are connected in parallel in a suitable way is

16.What will happen to the capacitance, if mica is inserted between the plates of an air capacitor?

17. In an electric-magnetic circuit analogy, what is electrical equivalent analogous of permeability.

18. The Flux density in magnetic circuit analogous to

19. When a moving charge particle passes through magnetic field. The force on it due to magnetic field does not depend on.

20. The total force on the charge 'Q' moving with velocity 'V' in the presence of magnetic and electric fields 'B' and 'E' respectively is called____ Force

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