Voltage & Current Measurement -- Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers
1.Voltmeter is a galvanometer with ______
2. A moving-iron meter will operate on
3. A generating voltmeter uses______
4. Which of the following is not a feature of MI type instruments?
5. Determine the value of current (in mA) for the full-scale deflection of a voltmeter. when the sensitivity of the voltmeter is 50ohm/volt.
6. Determine the value of shunt resistance (in ohms) required to convert a galvanometer into ammeter of reading upto 14A. When the internal resistance of the galvanometer is 27ohms and the value of current for full scale deflection is 0.5A.
7. How wil you convert galvanometer into ammeter?
8. Which one of the statement is not true about PMMC type instrument?
9. A PMMC type voltmeter, having a full scale reading of 250V and an internal resistance of 400KΩ, is connect with a series resistance of 100KΩ. Calculate the sensitivity of the voltmeter.
10. What will happen to the operating torque of a moving iron instrument, if current through the operating coil is halved?
11. The range of moving coil instrument having meter resistance of 6ohm is 0-50V. Find the value of multiplying factor of the series resistance, if its full scale deflection current is 5A.
12. A permanent magnet moving coil instrument has a coil of diamension 10mm*20mm. The flux density in the air gap is 2*10-3 Wb/m2 and the spring constant is 0.25*10-6 Nm/rad. If the current of 10mA is flowing through the coil, then calculate the number of turns required to produce an angular deflection of 60 degrees.
13. If zero centered voltmeter has a scale from -5V to +5V, then the span of it is
14. In a indicating instrument, the control torque produce by the spring is propotional to
15. ______ is used for temprature measurement
16. Which one of the following types of watt-hour meter is used only in AC circuits?
17. The analog meter will never have ____
18. Which of the following meters is most accurate instrument for measuring AC signals with frequencies lower than 200Hz?
19. The accuracy of d'Arsonal movements used in common laboratory meters is about____ of the full-scale reading.
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