Illumination -- Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. Which of the following statement id correct?

2. Luminous efficiency of a fluoresent tube is:

3. Candela is the unit of which of the following?

4. Illumination of one lumen per square meter is called ____________

5. A solid angle is expressed in term of __________

6. The unit of luminous flux is_____________

7. Filament lamps operate normally at a power factor of

8.The filament of a GLS lamp is made of


GLS lamp stands for General Lighting Service; Standard GLS lamp is an incandescent lamp with a coiled tungsten filament

Incandescent lamps produce light as a result of the heating effect of an electrical current flowing through a filament wire

At the centre of the lamp there is a filament. Any inert gas can be filled inside the bulb. Normally, argon with nitrogen is used.

As it is a highly resistive circuit, the power factor of GLS lamp is very high and ideally, it is unity

In the case of frosted GLS lamps, the frosting of the shell is done by acid etching

Acid etching creates a very smooth, glossy and satin finish and the acid-etched lamp is maintenance-free as it does not show dirt marks or fingerprints.

9. Fine diameter tungsten wires are made by

10. What percentage of the input energy is radiated by filament lamps ?

11. Which of the following lamps is the cheapest for the same wattage ?

12. Which of the following is not the standard rating of GLS lamps ?

"The illumination is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle made by the normal to the illuminated surface with the direction of the incident flux".
Above statement is associated with

14. The colour of sodium vapour discharge lamp is

15. Carbon arc lamps are commonly used in

16. On which of the following factors does the depreciation or maintenance factor depend ?

17. In lighting installation using filament lamps 1% voltage drop results into

18. For the same lumen output, the running cost of the fluorescent lamp is

19. For the same power output

20. The cost of a fluorescent lamp is more than that of incandescent lamp because of which of the following factors ?

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