Induction motor - -Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. Which of the following component is usually fabricated out of silicon steel ?

2. The frame of an induction motor is usually made of

3. The shaft of an induction motor is made of

4. The shaft of an induction motor is made of

5. In an induction motor, no-load the slip is generally

6. In medium sized induction motors, the slip is generally around

7. . In squirrel cage induction motors, the rotor slots are usually given slight skew in order to

8. . In case the air gap in an induction motor is increased

9. Slip rings are usually made of

10. A 3-phase 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has 4% slip. The frequency of rotor e.m.f. will be

11. . In Ns is the synchronous speed and s the slip, then actual running speed of an induction motor will be

12. The efficiency of an induction motor can be expected to be nearly

13. . A double squirrel-cage induction motor has

14. The starting torque of a squirrel-cage induction motor is

15. The number of slip rings on a squirrel cage induction motor is usually

16. . Star-delta starting of motors is not possible in case of

17.The term ‘cogging’ is associated with

18. In case of the induction motors the torque is

19. An induction motor with 1000 r.p.m. speed will have

20. . The good power factor of an induction motor can be achieved if the average flux density in the air gap is

21. An induction motor is identical to

22. The injected e.m.f. in the rotor of induction motor must have

23. Which of the following methods is easily applicable to control the speed of the squirrel-cage induction motor ?

24. . The crawling in the induction motor is caused by

25. The auto-starters (using three auto transformers) can be used to start cage induction motor of the following type

26. The torque developed in the cage induction motor with autostarter is

27. When the equivalent circuit diagram of double squirrel-cage induction motor is constructed the two cages can be considered

28. It is advisable to avoid line-starting of induction motor and use starter because

29. Stepless speed control of induction motor is possible by which of the following methods ?

30. Rotor rheostat control method of speed control is used for

31. In the circle diagram for induction motor, the diameter of the circle represents

32. For which motor the speed can be controlled from rotor side ?

33. An induction motor is

34. If any two phases for an induction motor are interchanged

35. The maximum torque in an induction motor depends on

36. . In three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors

37. In a three-phase induction motor, the number of poles in the rotor winding is always

38. DOL starting of induction motors is usually restricted to

39. The speed of a squirrel-cage induction motor can be controlled by all of the following except

40. The ‘crawling” in an induction motor is caused by

41. The power factor of an induction motor under no-load conditions will be closer to

42. The ‘cogging’ of an induction motor can be avoided by

43. If an induction motor with certain ratio of rotor to stator slots, runs at 1/7 of the normal speed, the phenomenon will be termed as

44. Slip of an induction motor is negative when

45. Size of a high speed motor as compared to low speed motor for the same H.P. will be

46. A 3-phase induction motor stator delta connected, is carrying full load and one of its fuses blows out. Then the motor

47. A 3-phase induction motor delta connected is carrying too heavy load and one of its fuses blows out. Then the motor

48. Low voltage at motor terminals is due to

49. In an induction motor the relationship between stator slots and rotor slots is that

50. As load on an induction motor goes on increasing

51. Slip ring motor is recommended where

52. If a 3-phase supply is given to the stator and rotor is short circuited rotor will move

53. It is advisable to avoid line starting of induction motor and use starter because

54. The speed characteristics of an induction motor closely resemble the speed load characteristics of which of the following machines

55. Which type of bearing is provided in small induction motors to support the rotor shaft ? None of the above

56. A pump induction motor is switched on to a supply 30% lower than its rated voltage. The pump runs. What will eventually happen ? It will

57. 5 H.P., 50-Hz, 3-phase, 440 V, induction motors are available for the following r.p.m. Which motor will be the costliest ?

58. A 3-phase slip ring motor has

59. The starting torque of a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor is

60. Short-circuit test on an induction motor cannot be used to determine

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