Oscillator - Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. Oscillators use following feedback

2. Which of the following circuits employ feedback?

3. The Barkhausen criterian for sustained oscillators is given by

4. In a practicle oscillator circuit, which one of the following limits the amplitude of the oscillations?

5. The frequency of oscillation of a Hartley oscillator is

6. A Hartley oscillator is used for generation of

7. The primary advantage of a crystal oscillators is that

8. A crystal oscillator is frequently used in digital circuits for timing purposes because of its

9. Crystal oscillators are normally for high frequency with in the range of

10. The highest frequency stability is achieved by using an oscillator of the type

11. In a piezoelectric crystal oscillator, the oscillation or tuning frequency is nearly propotional to the

12. Which of the following circuits is most suitable as an oscillator at a frequency of 100MHz?

13. In an RC phase shift oscillator, the minimum number of R-C networks to be connected in cascade will be

14. In three RC combination of a phase shift oscillator, Each RC gives a phase shift of

15. An RC phase shift oscillator will not produce any oscillation until and unless the voltage gain of its internal amplifier is

16. The frequency of oscillation of wien bridge oscillator is given by

17. In a wien bridge oscillator, the positive feedback attenuation is

18. In wien bridge oscillator, If the resistance in the positive feedback circuit are decreased the frequency

19. A wein bridge oscillator is suitable for

20. Which oscillator is characterized by a split capacitor in its tank circuit?

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