Power generation Numerical -Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. The maximum demand on the substation is 25MW. If the load factor is 60%, and the plant capacity factor is 50%, Calculate the reserve capacity of the plant.


2. The maximum demand on the substation is 200 MW. If the annual load factor is 50%. Calculate the total energy generated in a year.


3. If the power plant has No reserve capacity, Then the plant capacity factor is equal to __________


4. The maximum demand on the substaion is 100MW. If the annual load factor is 40%. Calculate the energy generated in a year.


5. The generating station has a connected load of 43MW and a maximum demand of 20MW, the unit generated being 61.5*10^6 MW per annum. Calculate the demand factor and load factor.


6. A 100MW power station delivers 100MW for 2 hours, 50MW for 6 hours, and shut down for rest of the day. It is also shut down for another 45 Days per year for maintainance. Calculate its annual load factor.


7. A generating station has a maximum demand of 25MW, A load factor of 60%, a plant capacity factor of 50% and a plant use factor of 72%. Find the reaserve capacity of the plant


8. Reffer to question number 7, Find the daily energy produced.


9. Reffer to question number7, Find the maximum energy that could be produced dailyif the plant while running as per schedule, were fully loaded.


10. A diesel station supplies the following loads to various consumers:
Indstrial consumers = 1500KW
Commercial establishment = 750KW,
Domestic power = 100KW,
Domestic lights = 450KW
If the maximum demand on the station is 2500KW and the number of KWH generated per year is 45*10^5. Determine Diversity factor and annual load factor


11. What is the resultant area under daily load curve divided by 24 hours.

12. What is the usually load factor range for domestic loads?

13. Large diversity factor means

14. In a generating station connected load is 50*10^3 KW and maximum demand is 20*10^6W and annual energy generated is 60*10^6 unit then what is the demand factor of plant ?


15. A power station has a maximum demand of 15000KW. The annual load factor is 50% and plant capacity factor is 40%. Determine the reserve capacity of the plant.


16. A load consumes 600 kwh per day at a load factor of 0.45. What will be the maximum demand in kw?


17. The yearly load duration curve of a power plant is a straight line. The average annual load is 400MW. The capacity of plant is 900MW. The plant capaity factor will be


18. Domestic consumer load is about

19. If the sum of individual maximum demands is 2.694 KW and maximum demand at any time is 0.9KW. What is the diversity factor in power system


20. During the calculation of electric work expenses, contigency expenses and material and labour cost are expected in percentage are respectively

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