Single phase Induction motor -- Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1. In a split phase motor, the running winding should have

2. . If the capacitor of a single-phase motor is short-circuited

3. . In capacitor start single-phase motors

4. . In a capacitor start and run motors the function of the running capacitor in series with the auxiliary winding is to

5. In a capacitor start motor, the phase displacement between starting and running winding can be nearly

6. . In a split phase motor

7. The rotor developed by a single-phase motor at starting is

8. Which of the following motor will give relatively high starting torque ?

9. Which of the following motor will have relatively higher power factor ?

10. In a shaded pole motor, the shading coil usually consist of

11. . In a shaded pole single-phase motor, the revolving field is produced by the use of

12. A centrifugal switch is used to dis- connect ‘starting winding when motor has

13. If a particular application needs high speed and high starting torque, then which of the following motor will be preferred ?

14. The value of starting capacitor of a fractional horse power motor will be

15. In repulsion motor direction of rotation of motor

16. In a single phase motor the centrifugal switch

17. The running winding of a single phase motor on testing with meggar is found to be ground. Most probable location of the ground will be

18. A capacitor-start single phase induction motor is switched on to supply with its capacitor replaced by an inductor of equivalent reactance value. It will

19. Which of the following motors is used in mixies ?

20. Which of the following motors is inherently self starting ?

21. The direction of rotation of an hysteresis motor is determined by

22. Burning out of windings is due to

23. Direction of rotation of a split phase motor can be reversed by reversing the connection of

24. Short-circuiter is used in

25. The range of efficiency for shaded pole motors is

26. In a capacitor start single-phase motor, when capacitor is replaced by a resistance

27. The power factor of a single-phase induction motor is usually

28. A shaded pole motor can be used for

29. A hysteresis motor works on the principle of

30. Which of the following motor will give the highest starting torque ?

31. For which of the applications a reluctance motor is preferred ?

32. The motor used on small lathes is usually

33. . Which of the following motors is preferred for tape-recorders ?

34. A single-phase induction motor is

35. A schrage motor can run on

36. . A universal motor can run on

37. Which of the following single-phase motors is suitable for timing and control purposes ?

38. Single phase induction motor usually operates on

39. . In split-phase motor auxiliary winding is of

40. Which of the following motors will operate at high power factor ?

41. In a two value capacitor motor, the capacitor used for running purposes is

42. Which of the following motors can be run on AC. as well as D.C. supply ?

43. In A.C. series motor compensating winding is employed to

44. Which of the following single-phase induction motors is generally used in time phonographs ?

45. Which of the following motors has highest starting torque ?

46. The repulsion-start induction-run motor is used because of

47. In case of a shaded pole motor the direction of rotation of the motor is

48. In case of high speed universal motor which of the following needs more attention ?

49. The wattage rating for a ceiling fan motor will be in the range

50. The wattage of motor for driving domestic sewing machine will be around

51. Which of the following single-phase motors has relatively poor starting torque ?

52. Which type of load is offered by cranes and hoists ?

53. . The speed of a universal motor is generally reduced by using

54. Which of the following motors can be used for unity power factor ?

55. When a D.C. series motor is connected to A.C. supply, the power factor will be low because of

56. . The direction of rotation of universal motor can be reversed the by reversing the flow of current through

57. . In which single-phase motor, the rotor has no teeth or winding ?

58. Which motor is normally free from mechanical and magnetic vibrations ?

59. As hysteresis motors are free from mechanical and magnetic vibrations therefore these are considered as suitable for

60. A reluctance motor

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