Basics of Circuit Element - Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1.The S.I. unit of magnetic pole strength is_______

Explain:- Magnetic pole strength is the strength of a magnetic pole to attract magnetic materials towards itself . S.I. unit of magnetic pole strength is Ampere-meter (Am).

2.A DC voltage source is connected across a series RLC circuit. Under steady state conditions the applied DC voltage drops entirely across the

Explain:- For bilateral element v and i both are negative in reverse direction. The given v-i characteristic represent charging and discharging of a voltage source which is an active element

3.Assertion (A): Kirchoffs voltage law states that a closed path in a network, the algebraic sum of all voltages in a single direction is zero.Reason (R): Law of conservation of charge is the basis of this law.

4.Twelve 1 ohm resistance are used as edges to form a cube. The resistance between two diagonally opposite corners of the cube is

5.A 10 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current of 1 A rms at a frequency of 50 Hz. The average power dissipated by the inductor is

6. In a network made up of linear resistors and ideal voltage sources, values of all resistors are doubled. Then the voltage across each resistor is

7. The capacitor charging current is

8.A water boiler at home is switched ON to the AC mains supplying power at 230V/50Hz. The frequency of instantaneous power consumed by the boiler is

Explain:-Power = VI If both V and I have frequency f Hz. Then power will have frequency of 2f Hz.

9.The nodal method of circuit analysis is based on

10.Two wires A and B of the same material and length L and 2L have radius r and 2r, respectively. The ratio of their specific resistivity will be

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