Circulatory system - Electrical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers


1.The blood vessel that carries blood from heart to various parts of the body are called_____

2. The blood vessel that carries blood to the heart are calles____

3. Which of the following species has two chamber and single circulation in their heart?

4. Which of the following species has three chamber and Incomplete double circulation in their heart?

5. Which of the following species has four chamber and double circulation in their heart?

6. SA node in heart is called

7. RBC also called

8. Life span of RBC

9. RBCs are formed in

10. Graveyard of RBCs called___

11. Blood bank of body is called____

12. White blood cells are also called____

13. What is the shape of WBC

14. Life span of WBC

15. Blood consist of

16. Which is called the fluid connective tissue

17. Defficiency of RBCs causes

18. Nucleus and DNA is present in

19. The blood pressure of a normal human being is found to be 120/80 mmHg. These number represent the blood pressure at

20. The device that measure blood pressure is called

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